

Monday, June 11, 2012

Reflections on Medications

There are people dying of medicines prescribed on prescriptions, without abuse, and 
without knowing that they will die..
We must not forget that drugs are chemicals.. chemical molecules that the human body 
can’t tolerate.. 

I’m myself allergic to drugs (penicillin, aspirin, anti-inflammatory..). Nothing is 
natural, and nothing is harmless .. 
You can do a physical allergic shock, or coma, or die .. Babies die of a simple 
vaccination, which seems so harmless .. But they don’t do drugs & don’t abuse of them.. 
We must not forget that even if a drug appears innocuous to some, it may be very 
dangerous or even fatal for others.

Personally, I take rarely medication, even sick.. and although I have some problems for 
to sleep, i take nothing..
There is 4 or 5 generations, Prozac, Xanax, and others.. didn’t exist .. People had a 
health better than ours.. They were not accroc to drug, and we didn’t hear about drug, 
not as now.

I think people of that time weren’t obsess for these little things, for which some attach 
great attention now, and for which, some think that in taking drugs, everything will be 
better .. Is it true? Are you better after taking them?

Once, my sister said.. “I’ll take a pill, I think I’ll soon have a headache” … WHAT IT 

Do you think each time you take some meds, you really need them? 
Sometimes, it’s a placebo.. nothing else..

An antibiotic is not required during infection against a virus, and yet, some patients 
ask their doctor .. or doctors prescribe them themselves, because they are affiliated 
with laboratories.. 

Don’t forget, that our body has its army inside with his little soldiers.. that helps us 
fight colds and small minor injuries .. 
I’m fortunate to have a doctor who takes his oath of Hippocrate seriously.. He does not 
works with Laboratories.. He is a “real Doctor” ..

There are so many people worldwide who suffer from real illnesses, and that require 
medical treatments in long-term, or life … And so many people, in the third world, who 
suffer and who die because they have no medicines to cure..

On one side, a great abuse of medications… and… on the other side, a huge lack of care.

The pharmaceutical industry ?!?!?

Is it become a lifestyle? a mode? a fear? 

Do we really need to hide us behind drugs, to be better in our heads, or our bodies?

Have we a better life with them?


  1. Thanks for sharing your reflections, I agree with you. Many people don't like taking medicines and also try to use the less of them and are careful with antibiotics, the media tell us about it so probably in certain countries pharmaceutical industry may be not that influential but one never knows. It is also my fear that sometimes they experiment with people living in undeveloped countries but also those doctors are passionate about what they do there to help people so maybe it's only that "a fear" Definitely I don't feel better taking drugs, I would feel very bad depending on something I don't need.

  2. Oh right today i took my friend to hospital... Her husband got Organ failure from one of the garbage, which we call a medicine... young guy dies coz of mistake of ????? Doctors - donot think... may be someone from above who realy DONT CARE ABOUT US

  3. The BANKS own the media, pharmaceutical companies, big corporations etc. And who own the Banks? The Elite Cabal whose dangerous agenda is to depopulate the World. All around we see them playing their satanic games, acknowledging one another with their satanic symbols, rituals. Quite disgusting actually.. TV and msm have done too good a job on their viewers who have become catatonic. Wake up before it is too late.

  4. This is a very important topic to discuss,medication has become a way of life for so many, especially many seniors, in many aspects the phamaceutical companies, is nothing more than a cash cow, the medications that are being prescrbed,to so many, are causing so many side affects, that people are coming out of it with more health issues, than going in, whatever happen to natural remedies, and healthy choices, the bible gives instructions on ways to handle different ailments, which are not toxic to our bodies, but many ignore those instructions, which was given by the Creator, how to maintain His creation, and allow other men, determine what is best for them, which you can say, is merely another illusion, created for mankind, years ago man took farless medication than they do today, and they lived a lot longer,because our bodies have their own organisms, to fight certain infections, yes I believe God give doctors knowledge, to help maintain our good health, but there are far to many doctors, who are not called to be doctors, and it is just a money thing for them, so they will give you whatever you ask for, as long as you pay for the visit, and yes there are alot of people who all these medications, are being tested on, they simply call it study, in my opinion, this is one of the biggest demons, that keep people in bondage, and yes I get headaches and other aches, but I absolutely hate taking meds, and will go without, only if the pain becomes excessive, but I truely feel its a understatement with what's truely going on with these phamaceutical companies, the dangers behind the drug, is not being put out there. Thanks For Shining The Light, Because Drugs Has Become A Prelude For Our Seniors, And Our Children. Love You
