

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stay away from the devil, reality is far more scary...

Lucifer was the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the wisest of them all. Lucifer means
 the shining one. Lucifer was superior to all the other angels in knowledge and wisdom, and in
power and authority. God gave him beauty and intelligence beyond measure. Lucifer should
have worshiped God, loved him and obeyed him forever, because God created him and greatly
blessed him. However, in the Writings of the Prophets we read that one day Lucifer showed
contempt for God, and his heart was filled with pride. Lucifer said in his heart, "I will ascend to
heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned…I will ascend above
the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High [God]!"
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
It is believed by many people in many cultures that devils can take many forms in fact they can
take any form they wish to. Can the devil take a human form ....  Improve
Yes, even animal form.. I also heard he can disguise himself as an angel or even god himself

Cue the elevator breaking down and whoala! – here we have our setup of 5 seemingly random folks trapped in an elevator.  Oh yeah, one of them is the Devil.  When the lights go out and bad things start happening, the only thing left to do is guess who is gonna get picked off next, and who indeed might be the big evil red guy with the pitchfork.As the passengers start pointing fingers at each other and the police frantically try to figure out exactly who these folks are, it becomes evident that they all have checkered pasts and all are equally likely suspects. 
Once the “mystery” of Devil is revealed, all that’s left is to tie the film in a nice bow with an AA meets Catholic Church message of “taking responsibility”, confessing your sins, and let’s not forget & wait for it & yes, forgiveness.
My friend advised me ... Stay away from the devil, reality is far more scary...


  1. And ain't that the Truth !!

    Often temptation is a rehearsal for Bad Karma..

  2. I REALLY DONT LIKE this kind of movies..

    Evil is already all around us.. why to watch this kind of movie?

  3. Evil and Devil.. are all around us..

    Dont let them enter in your head...and take possess of you..
