

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another New Artist or The Same??

There has recently been the discovery of another artist, that isn’t a mainstream artist. His name is Devon D. But he has a song that has surfaced by another artist by the name of The Main Attraction, called “Something In The Air”. It is listed on Devon D’s youtube page as All rights go to Devon D. Productions, and was uploaded on July 13, 2011! But on The Main Attractions youtube page it was uploaded on February 27, 2012 and is listed as Rights to Bullet Productions. But if you listen to their other doesn't sound the same????

So how can two different artists have the same song, uploaded at two different times and Rights reserved to two different production companies?

Here are the links, it is exactly the same song!

Devon D. Productions

The Main Attraction


  1. I'm not sure but I think that the same person is just using pseudonyms in the credits and one person owns both companies.
    Just testing which ID is appealing or accepted, which conpany name is more populer or which promotion is effective.... I'm wondering what the intention is.

  2. Hello People!
    First of all i want to say please let Michael Rest in Peace.
    Yes Im Devon D. (Devon D. productions) today i saw many videos of me stolen by some idiots who changed the title of my songs on youtube if you look to the upload day you will see that all of the rights belong to me.
    I am very sad about that. Please stop stealing my songs!

    Devon D. greetings from germany

  3. DevonDProductions is my official channel of youtube

  4. It's beyond my imagination that videos were stolen and the titles were changed ....
    In the world full of lies, Dulled conscience, irresponsibility, self-interest widespread. Copyright/intellectual property right should be protected. Is this systematic harassment or offender for pleasure?
