

Sunday, April 29, 2012

judgement on others

So why do we constantly have to pass judgement on others? Why do we have to label others as inferior, even if doing so indirectly? Examples are slavery, (I know this is an old one but its relevant-- the phrase "all men are created equal" was around BEFORE slavery took place), saying that gay people are wrong/immoral etc, immoral by who's standards?
It doesn't seem like we've made very much progress, we've just found other excuses, reasons, rules, and judgments.
My question is why? aren't we supposed to be accepting and loving of all? When you fight against gay rights, or fight that you're religion is the right way and all others are condemned to hell, it just makes you look worse. It makes you look more close-minded, weak, and you act as if you are on a pedestal All the terrible stuff that happens is the result of humans being selfish, weak, and close-minded.
Why can't we DO what we SAY and treat all people as equals, and leave their personal lives out of it
People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex

People find lesbians, bisexuals, and gays different and a disgrace to the world. Unfortunately,I do respect all sexualities. I say they are all equal and deserve the rights the have! Please people, what would Jesus do? He would probably respect them and treat them equal. All are accepted into the kingdom of Heaven, including gays, bis, and lesbians. Look upon your actions, you cause others pain and hurt. Do not do that! Each individual should have equal respect. Each person has their own taste and we need to respect that! They are human, but just with a different opinion. They are not "aliens!" We all count as one and deserve that right. Please, don't turn on your own kind. Think about that.

Youth who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, queer or questioning are at a high risk for depression, suicide and homelessness due to being bullied by their peers and/or rejected by their families.


  1. Sexuality is a label created by fear.
    Everyone is the same.
    No one has hocus pocus in there private parts
    the only person who can change you is you.
    If a gay man has sex with a straight woman
    does it make the woman gay? No, does it make the man straight? No. So why is it any different when you have the same sex couples. It doesnt.
    It only makes a difference if you allow it too.
    The "sex act" is the same for gay people and straight people. Straight people have vaginal and anal sex as do people who are gay. Gay men have anal, gay women have vaginal with a toy
    or strap on. There is no difference in the sex act at all. Its in peoples minds that there is a difference there isnt. Dont be afraid to love your neighbor. Dont be afraid to tell them that you do. Sexuality doesnt come from brain, it doenst come from your genitials, it comes from
    your soul or your being. God gives us a soul
    Science gives us a body. Your gender does not come from ur genitals it comes from ur soul.
    organs and flesh do not make us who we are
    your soul makes u who u are. Transgendered
    people are conjoined twins on the inside.
    just as conjioned twins are connected by
    flesh and organ on the outside, transgendered
    are connected by body and soul. it is not a mental illness it is a birth deffect. It does not matter what a transgendered person does
    to their body to represent their soul they will
    always be 2 people in one body. The "body" or the birth body that person will always be in the back seat because your soul is what makes you who you are. Surgery does not make that person go away. it does not change that person. families think that they loose that person when
    the other person comes out, not true at all.
    They will always be 2. They share a body like conjoined twins. No one would go up to conjoined twins who are stuck by organ and flesh to each other and make fun of them why do it to people who are conjoined on the inside. transgender people are twins who lack another body. An enitire body.

  2. we all know that twins are a cell that splits.
    2 bodies 2 souls. Twins even though they are literally halves of each other they have different personalities and different persona's
    boy and girl twins.
    what happens when GOD sends 2 souls to become boy and girl twins, and the cell doesnt split which means the soul doesnt split into 2 and there is only one body, its simple that is a transgendered person.
    2 genders 2 people in body. transgender people
    are tragically misrepresented and made fun of.
    NO one would choose to live that way if was as simple to just take the outfit off. there conjoined.

  3. There is only Love, anything else is a separation from Love. L.O.V.E.
