

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Watch What You Say Online

Now it seems the government has nothing better to do then to watch for those on line that use certain words. The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorists or other threats against the U.S.
The list inclueds obvious choices such as "attack", "Al Qaeda", "terrorism" and "dirty bomb"...but also includes words that are used everyday in the English language! Some examples are "pork", "cloud", "team" and "Mexico". Guess no one should talk about taking their team to Mexico to eat pork LOL.
The list was released under a freedom of information request, the information sheds new light on how the government analysts are instructed to patrol the internet searching for domestic and external threats.

The list is included in the departments 2011 Analyst's Desktop Binder, which is a handbook or manual that workers at the National Operations Center uses. They were foreced to release the manual following a House hearing over documants obtained through a Freedom of Informations Act lawsuit which revealed how the montitoring of social networks and media organizations operate.

So be careful you don't use any normal words on the internet. This is just one example of how the government is working to control more and more of what we say and do! Remember we are suppose to be free to say whatever we like, 1st Amendment..I think this is being taken away from us slowly.


  1. Definitely there's no more Liberty,free words in this supposed "free world" not only USA but all round the world ia controlled!!!Damn doesn't the governments knows that WE NEED OUR PRIVACY SO GOVERNMENT GET AWAY FROM ME JUST GET AWAY FROM ME --->>Love & respect MJFAM

  2. Not only on the internet, but your phones as well, in your home, speaking to family or friends, if a child is acting out at home, or school,and use certain words, and the police is called out, it is documented, as a terrorist threat, go figure, this is a very good one, that most people are not aware of, Thanks for Bringing it out, Love You.

  3. Your ISP (internet service provider), can change your TV channels in more than 2000 kilometers from home ... I know ... they did when the remote of my TV was broken ..

    They can read your phone messages on the answering of your internet box .. they can control everything and know your passwords ... and much more ..

    I read an article, there are several months .. Members of army sneak into social sites, and with their equipment, they can talk, online, with several people at once ..

    I think our imagination is far ... very far..of all what they control in reality ..

    Reality exceed fiction ..

    Imagine now.. I've done.. and I've been afraid..

    That, when you buy a TV, a VCR, a camera, a phone....... that it could be inside a microchip .....
    a VCR, a camera.. a TV ==> and THEY see you.....
    a phone ==> and THEY hear you....

    What about OUR LIFES?

    We are only.. numbers...pins...puppets...a nothing for THEM...

    Read this article I've twitt this morning...
    BrainGate Allows Remote Control of Robotic Arm (VIDEO) | Care2 Causes .... and IMAGINE WHAT THEY CAN DO WITH THAT ???? :(

    At the end...WE WILL BE ONLY.... ROBOT


  4. Even back then Orwell knew what the Illuminati were up to!! BTW Loving you mentioned those "forbidden" words in your blog. Hope they dont jump you !!
