

Monday, May 28, 2012

It was NOT Michael Jackson at O2 Press Conference

In the images on the right, look at the pinky finger. MJ’s is quite dainty, thin and petite. The imposters is chunky, fat and flat.
 If we take a closer look at the hands, side by side, we can see the many differences between the two

As each trick is played, look for evidence and clues that will help you refine your picture of the hand (or hands) you're counting

Tell me what you see ... !!!
Are you seeing...SEEING WHAT YOU DON'T SEE?
i see i see what you don't see 2 birds and a poser


  1. I see two and I see and impersonator. Not Michael at the 02 arena. :) Thank you

  2. I see the same as you..
    I'm sure they are two.

    As one.. two birds united,
    Tell their secret, they don't wanted.

    Letting free my imagination,
    I write how is my vision...

    One.. singing..
    The Other.. interviewing..

    One in spotlight,
    The Other in sunlight.

    One on stage,
    The Other in orphanage,

    Through the world,
    They have been,
    And none difference,
    Someone has ever seen.

    Wonderful was already your singing,
    At the voice of Angels resembling..
    How we can imagine..
    what could be, of You(s), to sing?

    The imposter.. don't matter,
    For a role, he has been here..

    More important,
    Are our two birds..
    Coz here, the Twin..
    You are watching..

    I Love You(s) More

    With Love & Respect..

  3. To think I thought it was MJ in disguise !! Had me fooled.. :))

  4. I think there were 2 Mj,if we look carefully the Mj at 02 arena was more tan than our reall Mj because we all know he is so much white,and his smile u can see his teeth the real Mj teeth aren't like tha,u can see also his moves Our real Mj is more shy than him (the impostor) and don't moves so much in interview or conference.why they did this I have no answer nor any idea maybe the best is yet to come. Love u ..a long time Mike admirer

  5. I knew that,and I always knew their were two, but always felt, there were only one real Michael, never thought there may be a twin, Love You.

  6. TWO MichaelS & O2 Michael- YEPYEP, thats what you gave us here :))L.O.V.E
