

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

T.S.A. The Truth Behind The Lie

The Transportation Security Administration or TSA once again states that they are going to stop groping people. Sounds like another government deception, this and previous lies from the TSA are just psychological tactics to keep the public from rebelling against their control in society. We’ve heard these deceptions over and over; this and other governmental agencies should be dubbed as the Greatest Liars on Earth.

Last year it was announced that the agency would stop intrusively searchin young children. The only problem with that statement is, they made the same statement the previous year. To this day it still continues, despite continued complaints. There is a video of a 6 year old little girl being groped by strangers as her parents were forced to watch in disbelief. Why on GOD’s green earth is it needed to pat down a child of 6? 
This is the video of the 6 year old.

he TSA claims that terrorist have used children to get bombs on board planes. When was the last time you seen an American terrorist blowing up a plane? Using their small child in the process? NEVER! It’s a total invasion of our personal rights and our personal space as humans. TSA has stated that they will exempt children under 10, so this means if I have an 11 yr old daughter she can be “groped” by a stranger? Absurd. The TSA has continuously lied to us with excuse after excuse.

While they are looking for terrorists, the real terrorist is livng right in your back yard! Your water, your food, pollutions, government tie downs, these are the people we should be worrying about. While the terrorist might take out a few hundred people at once, our government is taking out thousands of us slowly everyday. 

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