

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hate where does it brings us?

But why hate is so pleasant that we are prone to become addicted to it, like right wing talk show hosts and many conservative politicians? Because hate is not just self-asserting – it is self-aggrandizing, self-elevating, it is oda to our greatness written by the primal poet – our mute emotions. Hate flatters to the one who hates. This is the hidden socio-psychological essence of hate. Hating somebody (individuals, groups, nations or races) means putting the object you hatefully react on – down. This is an immanent symbolism of hate as an emotion. Hate is hierarchical feeling. To put object down means to put the subject up. Hate is a magic rode which when pointed at somebody it transforms this object into a pygmy or Lilliputian or a vermin (that is in the eyes of the hater, of course, but that is enough to provide him/her with pleasure).
Hate is the simplest and the cheapest strategy of self-aggrandizement known to human specie. It is hate’s secret. What hate does to its objects is well known and simple. What hate does for those who hate – this is hate’s psychological meaning and its glory. Just hate somebody, and you will feel great and optimistic and will believe in your future and your victory over the world. Hated person is always perceived as sub-human. Targeting somebody with hate is already self-aggrandizement. To hate means to feel and to state that I am above the one whom I hate. For me to hate means to be sure that I will be able to destroy whom I hate because my hate suggests to me that I am stronger just by the very fact of experiencing hate. The presence of my hate verifies the guilt and badness of the hated. The hated one is responsible for my hate like Eve is for Adam’s lust, and the stronger is my hate the more successfully I will irradicate the hated evil.

Democratic sensibility invented alternative to wars because it found alternative to hate. This alternative is a compromise and creative rationality and inventiveness which carry to the orbit the diplomatic art and a democratic world view based on equality and respect for other people and the ability to take their interests and welfare into consideration. For seventy years the very existence of Soviet Union with its arrogantly messianic world view cooked with hate, contempt for compromise and with self-aggrandizement was a menace to civilization and life on Earth. Today the Russian missiles have lost its ideological megalomania and are needed only for defensive purposes. But our own country – US, under extremist conservative government serving the globalist corporate interests started to follow the example of Soviet Communists and even upgraded Sovetism’s messianic posture into a megalomaniacal project of globalization of Americanism as power and universal wisdom! Moved by the idolatry of profit, the American financial elite started economic and political expansion to other countries taking away their independence and the right to have their own development. In the name of democracy and American people it started to invent wars to support its corporatist agenda and to transform other people into enemies by deploying righteous hate (exactly like the Soviets did for seventy years).
The Soviet masses couldn’t even try to stop the Soviet ideological expansion into other countries (Soviet globalist ideology) because they were chained by the totalitarianism of their political system. But Americans with their “freedom of speech and organizations and individualistic independence from mass ideologies” cannot, it seems, do it either. Why? As under pre-Cheneyfeld’s democrats they were hooked on consumerism, today they are more and more dick-chained with euphoric ideology of hate and are becoming addicted to it, with Tea Party-like bouts of hate drunkenness and unconditional readiness for new wars.


  1. I slightly disagree with you on USSR moments, but
    that's easily explained as I was born there and you were born in USA :) But I really loved this blog. And think I finally get what hate is! As hate-free looney just was unable to figure out
    where it comes from -_-

  2. Some of the nastiest remarks coming from a place of hate is the after mass of a divorce. Think about this, two wonderful people fall in love and down the track their worst nightmares are their partners, and slowly the feeling of hate seeps into the relationship and boom, they become just another 1 in 4 divorce statistic. Sadly the children are the victims when there is a hate environment.
