

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

World Peace

World Peace

Do we honestly know what “World Peace” is? It is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness amoung and within all of the nations of people as a whole. World peace is theoretically possible there are inherit human nature aspects that prevents it. Humans are naturally looking out for their OWN existence and not their brother or sister. Is it democracy, capitalism, or cobdenism that keeps us from achieving world peace? Do we even know the answer to world peace yet? Or is the generation now just the tip of what is to come in 50 years or more?
It seems that politics are a big root to the unveiling of world peace. We all have to be on the same page and same chapter in order to achieve what we are all searching for. Globally we must come together, that entails a lot of work, time and effort. Which most people are not willing to give, most just want to be told what to do and when to do it in respect to global issues. We as humans need to stand up and take a greater part in the concern of our world. What our generation is teaching the next generation is a good start, but we need more. There need to be factors implemented NOW, NOT tomorrow.
First some of the BIG issues of the world need to be resolved, such as hunger, violence, war, politics, religion, and getting along with our neighboring countries.  These are social and political resounding issues that have caused havoc in our world for decades. Organized chaos needs to go out the window and be replaced with a new structure. An important aspect is structure, we need it to a degree or as we all know nothing works. Like any other well oiled machine, we as a nation need to run as a well oiled machine to accomplish what we want….WORLD PEACE.


  1. I think that to achieve this "World peace" you have to bring all nation to the same level of living,economically speaking, which is so difficult. If everybody would follow a simple rule of common sense "don't do to another being what you don't want to be done to you", I guess the things will be more easy to do. Anyway, great post. Thank you for bringing these important issues here.

  2. world peace will exist when money will stop to be the nerve of war and that people would stop to be individualistic. I'm sorry of that but it's not for tomorrow. I'm sick..............
    Have a good day my sweet friend.

  3. In all my living life I have never experienced World Peace. Will it happen in my lifetime? I pray so...
