

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What's Worse???

There are so many people that fall into a rut of using drugs, and end up addicted or worse, being taken from us. When someone tells you that they have an addiction problem the drugs that first come to mind are those that are illegal. Do you know that it is a face that prescription medication kills more people then illegal drugs? Recent deaths in the news have been caused by prescription drugs. Although illegal drugs have their place, prescription drugs are looked upon as not as dangerous. In reality they are far more dangerous than street drugs.

For example teens are more likely to swipe their parents prescriptions then try to get illegal drugs, they are more readily available. Even some OTC (over the counter) drugs are used in place of prescription drugs. Every day more than 2,500 youth aged 12 to 17 abuse pain relievers for the very first time. More than 2.1 million youth report using prescription drugs on a daily basis, 12 and 13 year old teens will choose prescription drugs over illegal drugs. They think it’s safer because they see their parents taking them.

Remember, these are the children we’re raising to be our leaders for tomorrow. Even though there have been more notice given to this rising issue, it needs more attention. More non habit forming drugs or with serious side effects like permanent damage or death need to be researched to be used. Some of narcotic drugs have their place, but that place is not in the hand of people who could abuse them or available to our children. We as adults need to be cautious with the medications we keep in our homes. We are our children’s first line of defense.


  1. There are people dying of medicines prescribed on prescriptions, without abuse, and without knowing that they will die..
    We must not forget that drugs are chemicals.. chemical molecules that the human body can't tolerate..
    I'm myself allergic to drugs (penicillin, aspirin, anti-inflammatory..). Nothing is natural, and nothing is harmless ..
    You can do a physical allergic shock, or coma, or die .. Babies die of a simple vaccination, which seems so harmless .. But they don't do drugs & don't abuse of them.. We must not forget that even if a drug appears innocuous to some, it may be very dangerous or even fatal for others.

    Personally, I take rarely medication, even sick.. and although I have some problems for to sleep, i take nothing..

    There is 4 or 5 generations, Prozac, Xanax, and others.. didn't exist .. People had a health better than ours.. They were not accoc to drug, and we didn't hear about drug, not as now.

    I think people of that time weren't obsess for these little things, for which some attach great attention now, and for which, some think that in taking drugs, everything will be better .. Is it true? Are you better after taking them?

    Once, my sister said.. "I'll take a pill, I think I'll soon have a headache" ... WHAT IT MEANS??
    Do you think each time you take some meds, you really need them?
    Sometimes, it's a placebo.. nothing else..

    An antibiotic is not required during infection against a virus, and yet, some patients ask their doctor .. or doctors prescribe them themselves, because they are affiliated with laboratories..
    Don't forget, that our body has its army inside with his little soldiers.. that helps us fight colds and small minor injuries ..
    I'm fortunate to have a doctor who takes his oath of Hippocrate seriously.. He does not works with Laboratories.. He is a "real Doctor" ..

    There are so many people worldwide who suffer from real illnesses, and that require medical treatments in long-term, or life ... And so many people, in the third world, who suffer and who die because they have no medicines to cure..

    On one side, a great abuse of medications... and... on the other side, a huge lack of care

    The pharmaceutical industry ?!?!?
    Is it become a lifestyle? a mode? a fear?
    Do we really need to hide us behind drugs, to be better in our heads, or our bodies?
    Have we a better life with them?

  2. What I have noticed when some people have suddently fallen ill having been quite normally healthy previously is that there is an underlying problem that they are unwilling to face or accept. It's the old adage, What you resist/deny, it will persist, and when you accept/own it, it will set you free. Now that is what is called taking responsibility for one's health. Spirit>Mind>Body.

  3. There are doctors out there that is happy to see some young people come because once they get them hooked they know that they can get rich. I know from experience of two of my loved ones die this way. It is a sickness that they cannot shake, they can't handle life and the things that life throws at them. The only thing they know is turn to a drug or alcohol to ease the pain of a heartache. Although they know it only makes it worse they think it helps. Drug addiction is not what it used to be, it is prescription drugs that are taking our children,s lives. Even the drugs that are supposed to help them get off of drugs is the one that is killing them and making them more addicted. Those who has never known the life of one should never point fingers because it is a sickness and they really need help and you can see in their eyes, they don't want to live that way. So they don't need to be judged as a druggie, or a dope head. They need love too. God Bless them all.
